Celebrating ‘ah ha’ moments

Celebrating 'ah ha' moments


December 2, 2015

working1This is only the second offering of MCOM 10 at San Joaquin Delta College, so we’re experiencing some growing pains when it comes to schedules and working through projects.

Case in point: I’ll be away at a conference on Thursday and Friday of this week, and projects are due next week.

Another case in point: We’ve all been really bad to update this website for the semester, me especially. Over the time, I didn’t have to work in management of the campus newspaper. So there are a lot of competing interests.

So now it’s crunch time. And projects are happening, whether we’re ready for them or not.

The best part of projects “happening” is that students are now figuring parts of the Creative Cloud out that they didn’t understand only a few weeks ago.

The lab time is really when students get to explore and ask questions. I’ve had three to four students in lab over the past few weeks, asking questions and building their projects.

It’s been amazing to see these “ah ha” moments in action. I’m excited to see what comes from them when presetations are due next week.


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